Information sur la source

Marelynn Zipser and Alex Miller, comp. Hongrie : recensement de tous les citoyens, 1869 [base de données en ligne]. Lehi, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2008.
Données originales : Magyar Statisztikai Hivatal. Népszámlálás, 1869. Salt Lake City, Utah: Family History Library. Microfilm number provided with each record. This data is provided in partnership with

 Hongrie : recensement de tous les citoyens, 1869

Le recensement de 1869 est un recensement de la population. Son objectif était de dénombrer tous les individus de toutes les religions, sans tenir compte de leur biens. Le recensement a été créé par le gouvernement hongrois. La grande envergure du recensement le rend d’autant plus important pour la généalogie. Le recensement était principalement enregistré en Magyar (hongrois), toutefois des recensements de certaines régions incluaient également d’autres langues, telles que le slovaque.

The 1869 Census is a “people” census, attempting to enumerate all individuals of all religions, regardless of property ownership. The Census was created by the Hungarian Government. The broad scope of the census makes it particularly valuable for genealogical research. The census was mainly recorded in the Magyar (Hungarian) language, though census records from many areas may also include other languages such as Slovak. This database includes only extracted Jewish entries.

About the Database:

The database currently contains more than 88,000 records from the following counties (most of which are in the present day boundaries of Slovakia):

  • Abauj-Torna (complete)
  • Bars (complete)
  • Esztergom (complete)
  • Fejér (city of Székesfehérvár only)
  • Győr (city of Győr only)
  • Hajdu (city of Debrecen only)
  • Komárom (complete)
  • Nyitra (complete)
  • Sáros (complete)
  • Szentes (city of Csongrád only)
  • Szepes (complete)
  • Zemplén (complete)

The fields displayed in this database are:

  • Town: Hungarian shtetl name (town/village name)
  • District: Hungarian járás (district)
  • County: Hungarian megye in which the shtetl is located
  • Household Number: A number assigned by the census taker to the household
  • LDS Microfilm Number: LDS Family History Library microfilm reel where this record can be found
  • Name: Surname and Given Name of the individual
  • Maiden Name: Maiden name of wife (or widow) if listed
  • Relationship: Relationship to head of household, which is an optional field
  • Birthplace: Birthplace of the individual (if transcribed – this is considered an optional field)
  • Birth Date: Birth date of the individual
  • Comments

Other information recorded on the original census included:

  • Marital status
  • Occupation
  • Citizenship
  • Residency
  • Gender
  • Literacy

9 Nov 2023: Added 3,141 new records.