Information sur la source Livres d’histoire des Midlands en Angleterre [base de données en ligne]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2013.
Données originales : Various historical publications from Midlands Historical Data including historical publications. Original sources vary according to publication. The title of the publication being viewed can be found listed at the top of the image viewer page. Browse to the title page image for full title and publication information.

 Livres d’histoire des Midlands en Angleterre

Cette base de données contient des copies numériques des publications historiques de Warwickshire et Birmingham. Ces copies peuvent contenir des détails biographiques, des événements importants, des listes des membres, des nécrologies, des dossiers judiciaires et d’autres informations historiques.

This database contains digitized copies of historical publications from Warwickshire and Birmingham. Their pages can include biographical details, newsworthy events, member lists, obituaries, court dockets, and other historical tidbits.

The collections are currently only browsable. To get a feel for what’s in each volume, scroll through the early pages to find a table of contents. Some publications also include an index at the end. You can use the image number on the top right of the image viewer to jump ahead to the later pages to find the index.

The volumes in this collection generally pertain to the counties of Derbyshire, Staffordshire, Warwickshire, and Worcestershire, although some publications, like the Gentleman’s Magazine¸ have wider coverage.