Information sur la source Recensement de 1891 pour la Nouvelle-Galles-du-Sud en Australie [base de données en ligne]. Lehi, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2010. This collection was indexed by Ancestry World Archives Project contributors.
Données originales :

New South Wales - 1891 Census. NRS 683, reels 2510-2542. State Records Authority of New South Wales. Kingswood, New South Wales, Australia.

© the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales and is used under licence with the permission of the State Records Authority. The State of New South Wales gives no warranty regarding the data's accuracy, completeness, currency or suitability for any particular purpose.

 Recensement de 1891 pour la Nouvelle-Galles-du-Sud en Australie

Cette base de données contient les livres de collecteur du recensement de 1891 de la Nouvelle-Galles-du-Sud. Les documents sont limités au niveau du foyer, mais peuvent inclure le nom, et le numéro du district d’énumération, le comté, le sous-district, le nom du chef de famille, le nombre total de personne dans le formulaire, et le nombre de chinois ou aborigènes inclus.

This is a collection of the 1891 Census of New South Wales. The census was taken on April 5, 1891, but only the collector’s books remain from the original records. Individual’s names aren’t included other than the household information that was recorded, for instance, name, number in household, and number of Chinese or Aboriginal people. While this limits the extent of the census’ usefulness, it is also the first census since 1841 to have survived. A fire at the Garden Palace in 1882 destroyed the 50 years of census records held there. The 1891 Census is still a good tool for placing families in a particular place and time, although individuals would be a little tougher to find information on using solely these records.

The records include:

  • Name and number of district
  • County
  • Sub-district
  • Locality
  • Name of householder
  • Total number of persons in schedule
  • Number of Chinese or Aboriginal people included